Almond Milk Producers Need to Insist on Bee-Friendly Growing Practices
If you care about bees and other pollinators, sign the SumOfUs petition asking the almond milk industry to improve their practices to more bees survive the almond growing season.
Is almond milk vegan? Not if bees are killed to make it.
Each winter, billions of honeybees are prematurely woken from hibernation, trucked into California and exposed to a “soup” of bacteria, parasites and toxic pesticides -- so they can serve as pollinators for the fast-growing almond milk industry.
They end up sick and exhausted, and many don’t make it back. Every year, up to 30 percent die.
Our fragile bees deserve better -- and almond milk drinkers deserve a truly animal-friendly product.
The good news is there are ways to grow almonds that don’t kill or harm bees. But Blue Diamond (Almond Breeze), the number-one almond milk brand in the world, won't commit to using 100 percent bee-friendly almonds. Danone, maker of Silk and Alpro, says it's aiming for bee-friendly certification, but has yet to commit to a concrete timeline for a complete transition.
We’ve got to use public pressure to get almond milk corporations in the bees' corner -- before it’s too late.
Demand bee-friendly almond milk now.